Managing Holiday Stress

Do you live with chronic pain? Then you understand the challenges of the holidays. It starts with preparing for a big Thanksgiving meal and sometimes the family drama.

We don’t even have time to slow down and think about what we are grateful for, much less take time for ourselves.

The holiday stress starts in mid-November with preparing for Thanksgiving.

Holiday Stress and Chronic Pain

Immediately after Thanksgiving is Black Friday and then Christmas. The expectations, the desire to get everything “perfect” takes over. So often every year we feel as though we failed.

Our anxiety increases and in turn we have a chronic pain flare-up in the middle of wrapping gifts or Christmas dinner. Sound familiar? Holiday anxiety is real. Holiday depression and stress are real.

This sets in motion a pain cycle that starts in November and continues through January. We may turn down that Christmas party invitation, we may end up in bed. Or maybe like me, you may end up in a corner trying to keep it all together. Yes, this happened.

So you are not alone. You can conquer the holidays and come out smiling. You just need the tools.

Benefits of Journaling During the the Holidays

Chronic Pain & Therapeutic Benefits of Journaling

Research by the Integrative Pain Science Institute has shown that writing can decrease the perception of pain, reduce pain flare-ups and boost immunity.

  • Diverts your attention, even briefly, away from pain
  • Fosters mindfulness
  • Increases positive emotions
  • May reduce cravings for opiods and other pain management
  • Strengthens ability to shift focus
  • Writing causes you to slow down, causes you to focus on the moment.
  • Slows your breathing, reduces cortisol (which increase pain perception)
Chronic pain and health benefits of journaling

Learn how to deal with holiday stress this year with tools and guided help from a community that understands.

You no longer need to have a fear of the Holidays. Instead embrace the holiday season to come understanding your limitations and accepting your modifications.

Do You Want to Take Control this Holiday Season?

It starts with taking just FIVE minutes once a day. We have created a daily journaling system that addresses the foundation of chronic pain science to get you through the holidays in reasonably one piece. (I’m kidding, but hopefully with a smile on your face)

What you will receive…

  • Daily journaling prompts of gratefulness & thanksgiving.
  • Learn how to focus on what you have rather than what you don’t.
  • Discover how letting go and doing less can set you free.
  • Join a supportive community during the most stressful times of the year.
  • Create a mindset which focuses on the positive, rather than the negative.
  • Uncover your own strength and power in living to your fullest in chronic pain.
  • Build new pain pathways and detours to previously created triggers.
  • Break the mental cycle of chronic pain and create patterns around old habits.

By using specific mindfulness exercises, combined with your existing medical treatments, you CAN learn how to manage the holiday stress and subsequent chronic pain which often follows.

Learning to live a fulfilling life with chronic pain starts with you.

But we help you every day with prompts and resources.

Sign up HERE

It’s never too late, start TODAY