The importance of self-care cannot be overemphasized.

On a plane you are instructed to put the oxygen mask on yourself before helping others. This is because you cannot help others until you get what you need first. So create self-care goals, objectives and steps to do on a daily basis.

he importance of self-care cannot be over emphasized. On a plane you are instructed to put the oxygen mask on yourself before helping others.  This is because you cannot help others until you create self-care goals, objectives and steps to do on a daily basis. 

Learning to practice self-care can reduce your perception of chronic pain, reduce anxiety and can improve your overall health.


Make a conscious choice to love, care for and be kind to yourself.  

If you believe that all human beings deserve to have their basic needs of hunger, thirst, rest, relaxation, emotional support and spiritual nurturing met on a regular basis, then include yourself into this group. 

Why self care is so important to manageing your chronic pain, illness or just everyday life.

You belong solely based upon the fact of your humanity. That’s it; all that is required to be deserving of getting your basic needs met is to be born a human being,.

This is 100% true no matter what anyone has ever told you or how anyone has treated you at any time before this moment.

2. Be honest with yourSELF

How often do you take action(s) to take proper care of yourself despite the many internal and external pressures and challenges to taking the time/effort/money to do so? 

The importance of self care should take a priority in your life. Find self care journal ideas and more when you are on the chronic pain, depression, or chronic illness journey.

Take some time to reflect, journal or process with a trusted friend and collect some data about how often you neglect to take your physical, emotional or spiritual needs in a week’s time. 

This will give you a more accurate idea of how you are doing in this area of your life than simply trying to recollect it on your own, where our old friend “Denial”, may pay us a visit…

3.ACCEPT yourSELF as you are TODAY

As a person who is coping with chronic pain at the present time, it is important to accept your current condition as it is so that you can identify your true and actual needs and be able to make a plan to get your needs met. 

This level of acceptance does not mean that you give up on your efforts to rehabilitate or keep yourself as healthy as possible. What it means is that you are being honest with yourself about any current limitations you may be experiencing. 

Only after accepting your own limitations will you be able to ask others for the support you deserve and may truly need for your well-being.

4. DECIDE to THINK and SPEAK positively about yourSELF

DECIDE to THINK and SPEAK positively about yourSELF and about your future, no matter what your current circumstances. 

Our thoughts and words are powerful sources of creation.  Therefore, the thoughts we think again and again that then fall out of our mouths create the lives we lead. 

Use positive thinking quotes to encourage your self-care objectives and journey.

So think positive thoughts about yourSELF and about your future, on purpose, even if it takes lots of practice, counseling, support from everyone you know. 

Your current thoughts and words set things in motion for your future life.

Create something positive for yourSELF!


Think about your trusted friends and family members. 

Can you identify one person of like mind who also wishes to improve their own ability to take proper care of themselves, physically, emotionally and/or spiritually? 

Just like an “exercise buddy”, helps keep you accountable for workout goals, a “self-care buddy” will force you to think about and discuss your personal goals, share your challenges. 

When creating your self care plan and objectives choose a close friend of family member your trust.

A self-care buddy can help promote accountability for those occasions when the challenges seem too great to overcome and you want to quit. 

Having a self-care buddy will increase your chances of improving your self-care habits due to the added social support you will receive. And it will also provide opportunities to celebrate your successes along the way!  

6. Identify SELF boundaries

 Identify, set and maintain healthy interpersonal boundaries, especially with close family and loved ones and roommates.   

If people in your closest circles are able to pressure or manipulate you into doing what they want you to do instead of taking care of yourself, then you will have greater difficulty achieving optimal wellness.  

7 Tips to Self Care and Self Love . It is important to set self care boundaries for not only your mental health but to help recover from chronic pain and heal your body. These tips will help set self-care goals, objections, and actions.

This is an area that can be very challenging for many people, especially those who are involved with people with narcissistic tendencies. Many people benefit from individual or group counseling to learn how to set and maintain healthy boundaries with others, identify obstacles and practice the skills with the support of an objective party. 

If counseling is not feasible at this time, then learn about the topic by listening to Podcasts, videos or reading articles, books on this important subject. 

7. Identify any unhealthy mindsets you may have regarding SELF-care. 

For example, many people erroneously think that caring for oneself is a selfish thing to do. 

Many adults grew up with role models who sacrificed so much, without practicing proper self-care, and perhaps expecting the same of us, that we grew up thinking this was the noble thing to do. 

Taking care of others can be a noble and loving thing to do but it can also be neglectful of ourselves when it is done out of balance.

These ideas get very confused for many of us, often due to our upbringing and not having had the healthiest of role models along the way.   Individual or group counseling can be helpful to identify, clear and replace any unhealthy mindsets you have developed over the years.

A self-care not selfish quote to remind you that self-care doesn't mean you are selfish. Importance self care cannot be over emphasized. Self care protects and heals your soul, body, and mind.

Contrary to popular opinion, it is NOT selfish to take care of one’s own basic physical, emotional and spiritual needs. That is called honoring the body and the spirit you were given at your birth. 

You were not given these treasures to ignore, neglect or take them for granted. That is not your Creator’s will for you, however you choose to perceive HIm.

You will be able to love others and achieve your own destiny most effectively when you learn how to consistently and properly care for your own human needs.  

My Favorite Version of Self Care

It may not be incredibly healthy for me, but busting open a pint of Haagen-Dazs ice cream sure makes me happy. Find more ways to practice self-care on our Facebook page Journaling Through Chronic Pain

1 Comment

How Journaling Can Decrease Chronic Pain – Journaling Through Chronic Pain · February 1, 2020 at 5:35 pm

[…] power of a positive mindset is remarkable. One exercise is to write three positive things in response to something […]

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